So we will live on the second story is apartment 5502. This is our balcony. That is a door and a very large window. :)
This is Lane walking up the stairs. The carpet is white... you can't really tell.
This is the "window" in the kitchen. The closet over the stairs.
This is the living room.
Kitchen with dishwasher, gas stove, fridge, and sink. I plan on hanging art deco prints on the cupboards and painting (or tacking fabric) on the wall over the counter.
This is the hall way between the bedroom and bathroom. I'm also planning on painting this one as an accent wall.
This is the vanity set-up that Beth is jealous of.
and the rest of the bathroom.
The Bedroom. Once again carpet is white. The flash makes it grey.
This is Lane. In case you forgot what he looked like. :)
These are pictures from the model apartment which has a beige carpet and is on the first floor.
Our apartment also has a lamp/fan like this. I want to put our kitchen table and chairs here after Lane and I polish them a bit. Maybe get a rug to break up all the white.
This is the living room. It gives you an idea how big that window is. In this area, we'll have the tv, the single bed (serving against a wall as a couch) and all the book shelves. Right now Lane and I are thinking we'll sand down and paint the oak nightstands. Probably a warm cream (with a red or orange inside).
In their hallway, they have hanging a big mirror. I kind like this look and I might hang the big mirror I have here. I want the wall with the mirror to have color though.
The bedroom set up the bedroom. Didn't impress me much.
I did like the way they painted the kitchen "window" wall. This is the first thing you see when they come up into our apartment so it's where I'm going to put Walter II (the ivy plant). Any color suggestions?.JPG)
This is how they set-up the bathroom. I like the little stool, but I think a small garbage can is probably more practical and probably what will happen.
So that's it! That's Lane and my new apartment! I move in December 1st with an air mattress, a microwave, and an ivy plant!
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